1st Party Data

Making it easy for fans to interact directly with you is critical. Frictionless first party data makes every fan, expecially those remote ones you don't know about, very valuable.

Learn about your fanbase

When we collect images and video content from your fans, we use our 4 stage AI platform to learn about them. We know where they are, who they are, what rype of handset they are using. We get the fans gender and age, and find any brands they are wearing.

Share & personalise

There is nothing more powerful than sharing video content. Filmily automatically generates personalised video content for every fan who joins in the fun. This content is designed to be a mosaic, a story or anything you want your fans to share.

This content is branded with your logo, or your sponsors logo, and thousands of fans can share it on social. Go viral with Filmily personalised films.